Passeio para conhecer a história de Hiroshima!

Tour to learn about the history of Hiroshima!

On the 28th and 29th of October, Spring School took 45 students to learn a little about the history of Hiroshima.

We use a large bus from a Japanese company, with two drivers for greater safety for our students.

We left the Iwata Unit at 5 am, passing through Kariya to pick up some more students and headed towards Hiroshima.

We made some bathroom and lunch stops and after almost 9 hours of travel we arrived in Hiroshima where 4 guides were waiting for us. The guides took the students to see the park while telling them about the entire atomic bomb tragedy.

As the students listened to everything, it was possible to notice the seriousness and sadness in some of their looks.

We also visited the Hiroshima Document Museum, although no words are needed to describe everything this city suffered.

At night we went to see some of Hiroshima's nightlife, where we were amazed by the movement. We took the opportunity to eat Hiroshima's famous Okonomiyake, which couldn't be left out.

The next day we crossed by boat to the island of Miyajima, another World Heritage Site located in Hiroshima. There, students were able to freely explore the island, taking lots of photos and enjoying the sweets sold to eat while enjoying the island's landscape.

Many of the students didn't know each other yet, but when they came back they were all friends, which was worth a lot!

It was a long trip that was very worth it, especially for the wonderful people who provided us with 2 magnificent days.

The students scored out of 1000 in terms of timetables, always arriving a little before the scheduled time. Which brought us praise from the company that had never taken foreigners on a trip!

Without a doubt, it was a wonderful trip. We just have to thank the students we have!

By Sensei Ale and Erica