Teachers Hang Out!

Teachers Hang Out!

teacher hang out these are days when the team meets so we can get in sync and connect with each other as a team.

It is an event that happens from time to time where we can enjoy and have a nice day and of course always learn something.

We had a big tour on July 10th, we went to Sakushima Island, Nishio City; to get there we need to take a boat and it took us to the destination.

It was incredible, several attractions and special points to take pictures, of course we couldn't miss this opportunity, and we took several pictures and enjoyed it a lot.

The island of Sakushima is known as the island of art, it is a place that makes us look at nature and has 16 points of artwork to appreciate, it is a place that brings us a natural peace and connects us with nature and with the history, when riding a bicycle through the narrow streets we can feel the history of the place and the beauty of nature around us at all times.

The island also has a very calm and clean beach, there are showers and bathrooms so you can shower after the beach. It's a tour worth going, if you don't know it, enjoy it and go!

By Teacher Dani Spring your life!