Spring UniFECAF

Spring UniFECAF

On June 22nd we carried out the Soft Skills activity (socio-emotional skills). In our current world, such skills have become indispensable both at work and in personal life.

The activity counted for our students enrolled in college as additional hours but was open to the public too! We had
a brief explanation of the topic and relaxed yet educational dynamics!

At UniFECAF Our goal is to develop students' self-confidence and ensure that they become well-prepared professionals for the job market. We go beyond the subjects of each degree, we provide micro certifications and also the chance to carry out a digital exchange with teachers from Portugal!
We have 25 courses in different areas:

  • Architecture;
  • Social Sciences;
  • Communication;
  • Education;
  • Engineering;
  • Management and Business;
  • Health and Technology;
  • And much more.

With our teaching material, video classes and live classes once a week you will be able to optimize your study time.

How do I join?

It's very simple! Everything can be done online. We will need your personal data and then you can take the entrance exam, which consists of an essay with a free theme containing at least 15 lines.

Payment methods

You can choose to make payment through Brazil (through bank slip) or through Japan (through deposit/transfer into our partner Spring School's account).

And to make things even better, we now have a PUNCTUALITY DISCOUNT! By paying by the due date you will receive a 10% discount on the monthly fee.

“But there isn’t the course I want to start” You can rest assured!

Our service is humanized and exclusive, get in touch with our team and we can talk and see the alternative that best follows what you want!

The most important thing for us is that you take the first step towards your dream!

Our CEO, Mr Guto Aguiar, has the personal and professional goal of helping the Brazilian community grow! When deciding to bring the UniFECAF to the other side of the world he made sure of his quality of teaching and support for all students.

After so many good things, are you still going to let it go?

Your money is well invested when you invest in knowledge! Studying, a language course or the field of your choice, is an investment that depends on you!

Do not let this chance go by! We will be here, always with open doors waiting for your heart to turn blue 💙

At UniFECAF Your dream is our goal!

Kaory, Relationship Manager UniFECAF.