PYONG Lee tour no Japão

PYONG Lee tour in Japan

What's up springers, how are you guys doing!?

Oh! the human mind, something so complex but with incredible power! and during our summer holiday here in the land of the rising sun we had a visit from someone who is an expert on the subject, Pyong Lee.

Pyong Lee, a name that needs no introduction, but in case you're passing by and don't know it, I'll summarize it a little.

He started his career through dancing, but what led him to his first contact with fame was magic, something he really excels at!

Soon after, he specialized in hypnosis and has been following these steps ever since. Pyong Lee It's much more than just a magic and hypnosis show, he was also one of those responsible for bringing hypnotherapy to Brazil. And that's exactly what he came to do here in the land of the samurai.

We were chosen to be the first country on their international tour. And what an honor ladies and gentlemen!

The tour started on August 14th and the first city chosen was Nagoya, with the house practically full Pyong gave his knowledge show, always with a humorous tone, something that is characteristic of him.

Soon after, the city that welcomed our dear friend was Hamamatsu and once again the house was packed! On August 19th the tour went a little further, we went to Shiga, and of course, the house was packed again!

At the beginning of each presentation, our dear Pyong told a little about his career and history, and guys, what a story!

On August 20th the tour ended with an incredible mentoring session where everyone present could ask questions and learn a lot about the mind, entrepreneurship, behavior and much more.
The mentoring was carried out at the Spring School Central office, in the city of Obu.

And so we reach the end of this journey, without a shadow of a doubt the Brazilian community will never forget the visit of this incredible person!

Thank you very much Pyong and come back whenever you want!

By Teacher Victor Soares.