O “hangout” Korona World de Anjo

Anjo's Korona World hangout

At the end of June, the long-awaited “Hangout” of the month took place. The "hangout" is that activity selected and organized by the teachers with great affection to bring more interaction between the school and the students, but also to help the students to integrate into the culture (for Japanese students) and to create a community of people united with the same purpose. That of acquiring new skills and using those skills to make dreams come true.

The June hangout took place on a Friday at Korona World in Anjo. We get students and teachers together to go to karaoke and bowling.

What we didn't count on was that it would be necessary to wait 2 hours to use the bowling alley, as a competition was taking place on the day and there were no lanes available.

If you think this has discouraged our teachers and Springers you are wrong!! Those who were into karaoke stayed at karaoke and waited until it was time to play bowling, and some already spent the rest of the time right there.

It is worth mentioning that the favorite activity of some of our teachers is Karaoke. If you want to understand more why and how this helps a lot in your learning a new language, I'll tell you about it in another article and keep following the blog.

Another part of the Springers opted to wait playing pool and ping-pong (which wasn't even part of the plan).

After 2 hours of fun doing alternative activities available at Korona World, we got together to finally go bowling. There the whole troop gathered and had a great time.

At the end of the day, children, adults, teachers, senseis, teahcers, students and parents had fun, played and put aside the stress of everyday life, in addition to practicing a little more of the language learned inside the classroom now applied outside of the same.

If you haven't participated in any Spring hangouts yet, you don't know what you're missing! Keep an eye on our events calendar and don't miss the next one, I promise you'll regret missing out! And if you're not a Springer yet, what are you waiting for?

By Teacher Tati