our students

Amanda Nishimura

Hi people, how are you? So, today I came to tell you a little about my story. My name is Amanda Nishimura. At the age of 9, I had just arrived from Japan, I was studying in a terrible English school in Brazil where in a conversation class someone asked me what my phone number was (in English) and I got stuck, I didn't know what to say, I didn't understand , I just stopped. After that day… I didn't care about English anymore, I didn't like listening to songs in English, reading sentences in English terrified me. When I turned 16, I went back to Japan and was almost finishing high school and my mother asked me for a diploma, she said it could be in Japan, Brazil, online or in person. She just wanted a degree. That's when I came across my thoughts: “where am I going to go to college? - I don't want to go back to Brazil... in Japan - I'll have to learn Japanese! However, I can only use Japanese in Japan… and English?! I HATE ENGLISH… either I leave this trauma aside or I will have to learn Japanese.” It was then that I decided to give the English language another chance and Spring School came into my life. Then it was just joy!!! SQN the trauma was still there! I arrived at Spring, I talked to teacher Guto, I said I didn't know anything and I was very nervous and insecure!!!! Guto, in turn, was very friendly, helped me, gave me strength, encouraged me and I started taking classes with one of the best teachers that has ever been in my life, teacher Goto. I had a lot of difficulty, I would take one step and take two steps back, but with great effort I finished the first book, I learned the basics with great difficulty. Soon after, teacher Guto said that he would have a trip to Australia, where they would spend 2 weeks studying English in a country where the main language is English. I saw my opportunity to go to my dream college, I was going to jump in head first and see what happened with the goal of going to college. The day has come… the day to go to Australia. I went without fear, without thinking much, thinking that life was easy... We arrived in Australia, we had fun, we explored and…. The day has come for them to leave, and me?? I decided to stay alone, crazy, I only had a place to live because Spring helped me find housing and recommended me to an exchange agency. Anyway... it was the craziest thing I've ever done in my life. It was difficult, but I did it. Today I am fluent in English, I am married to a Turkish man so my life is in English, at home I only speak English, at work I only speak English. AHHHH, I study pedagogy, I'm in my third quarter, I can tell you that nothing was easy, but I did it, I won. I am completely grateful to the people who helped me a lot, including Spring School, teachers Guto and Goto, my parents and God!


Hello Springers! My name is Amanda and I'm 14 years old and I've been studying at Toyota Spring School since I was 11, and I like studying here because the people are really funny and the teachers are amazing. I improved my English a lot with Teacher Dani and that's why I like her a lot and I'm very grateful. That's it haha Spring your life!

Ayumi Kohatsu

I am very grateful to belong to Spring School, because the amount of things I can learn in just one class is 10 times greater than in the classes I had at my school, the classes are very good and the teachers are incredible. Now, I no longer feel that pressure to make a mistake when speaking English in class, because the teachers always help me to do my best.


Hello guys, I'm Bruna, I'm 17 years old and I'm from Toyota Spring School, and I'm studying to be a teacher in the future, thanks to teacher Dani and I hope you come and study with us, Spring your life!


Hello, my name is Harumi, I'm 16 years old, I've been studying here at Toyota Spring School for 4 years and I want to continue for a long time! I love studying here especially because of the teachers, they are amazing, especially teacher Dani, because of her my English is very good nowadays. Teacher Bruna is really nice too, and that's it, SPRING YOUR LIFE!


Hi guys all right? I'm Ingrid, I'm 12 years old and I study at Spring. I really like Spring because the teachers are really nice, and as a reward we get these cute babes every month!


Hello, my name is Larissa, I'm from Brazil and I came here to thank spring for everything, for having met incredible teachers, both old and new, and also for giving me several experiences with the activities that the school always has , and these students from different places, so I can learn both Japanese and English and now I'm learning Spanish too… so that's it! I have to thank you for what you can provide us for all the students, those who go to the exchange program are also amazing, and that's it, Spring your life!


Hello Springers, how are you? First of all, let me introduce myself: I'm Leo, I'm 21 years old and I've been studying at Spring for 2 and a half years... Today I'm going to show you two reasons why Spring School is the best school for you! The first is: We have wonderful and very polite teachers (especially teacher Paty, of course). Second: the entire team here is very attentive and ready to help with whatever you need, okay? So, don't hesitate and don't even think twice, come here and Spring Your Life!


Hi, my name is Leonardo, I study at Spring in Toyota, my teacher is Sayuri and I really like studying here, come and study here!

Lucas Naka

I always wanted to go on exchange, get to know a different culture and different people! That's when I met Guto and Springfield, they were the ones who opened the doors to make this dream come true. They gave me all the support I needed from the visa to getting to where I would live. It was an insane experience! Living alone in a completely different country with a language that is not yours has its challenges, however it has its rewards, it makes you leave your comfort zone and grow as an individual and gain experience in this world! I loved the experience I had in Australia. Lots of beautiful beaches, warm people and an unusual vibe, just going to be able to understand this feeling.


Hello, my name is Manuela and I live in Europe. About 6 months ago I didn't believe I would be able to speak English one day haha when I came here I had a goal, a dream, and I needed English to accomplish all these things, so I ended up joining again to be a Springer (I was once once, but I ended up leaving), and now I'm able to speak English, which I think is incredible, wonderful, I'm able to communicate and I really owe this to Spring and the teachers, because without them I wouldn't be able to do it, and being here is a dream come true, thanks to when I started at Spring.


Hello, my name is Mikael, I entered Spring with the aim of studying English to compose music, because I am a music student, and thanks to Spring I learned a lot, I speak a lot more English than I used to, because I was very embarrassed , I was very closed off when talking, and thanks to the teachers who encourage you, even when they are not in class, to talk in English and Japanese, and they are very nice, they joke with you, laugh with you, so they are also great at teaching, and I I highly recommend this school because of this, because it is a school where you interact with everyone… so, come and see the school, Spring your life!


Spring was my first language school in life, I started a little later than most people, right after I moved to Japan. I always liked the classes, always light and fun, I just didn't really like it when they gave me homework haha but that's ok! I had the opportunity to study two languages, Japanese and English, and the school helped me a lot with both! I have no words to thank Gato, Shirley, and of course, Murilo, who helped me a lot in the development of my English, and today I'm having the opportunity to do my first exchange in Ireland! Spring is a very important part of my life, and once a Springer, always a Springer! This is it, see ya!