Chinese Course - Children

Para um aprendizado mais eficiente das aulas de chinês, as aulas são feitas com total participação do aluno em conversações, leitura e escuta durante o período de aulas e escrita mais focada nos deveres de casa.

The student already learns to read without Romanization assistance from the beginning of the course to provide a better memorization of the characters and less dependence on the student.

O material do curso é preparado pela professora e seguindo o ritmo de aprendizado de cada aluno. Também são usados como auxílios materiais importados, como cadernos de ideogramas para pratica da escrita!


The Spring School, uses the renowned methodology of Pearson Longman, Oxford and Spring Books, and our goal goes beyond educating. Our goal is to promote the professional and personal growth of our students. Learning languages will be an exciting and fun journey. Here you will gain fluency in the language and be able to enjoy all the advantages and opportunities of this adventure.


Just you and the teacher, class aimed at celebrating the course and with the intention of preparing for an upcoming event.

1 full hour of class focused on conversation and grammar explanations.

GROUP Classes

From 2 to 6 students per room. Aiming at the maximum quality of classes, we limit the number of students per room for greater experience and student-teacher interaction. The classes have 1 hour and 30 minutes of a lot of conversation, grammar points and Warmers for a great involvement and development of each Springer.

Sem-título-1 6 (1)
Sem-título-1 6 (1)


Lack of time is no longer an excuse!

We go wherever you are.
The online classes of Spring School align perfectly with your interests and schedules.

Our modules

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has
been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer
took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

English course - kids

Module 01

verb to be
English course - kids

Module 02

verb to be
English course - kids

Module 03

verb to be
English course - kids

Module 04

verb to be

Our certificates

Our teachers are our differential. They undergo a careful selection process and are constantly being developed to offer students a learning experience that goes beyond the language in an inspiring and motivating way. 

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