
Paisagem com a cidade de Auckland da Nova Zelândia de fundo ao entardecer.

New Zealand – your next exchange destination

New Zealand: The country you should visit and especially make your next exchange destination! Today Teacher Pati tells you why. This country, made up of two islands, located southeast of Australia, is a country that

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Atleta amarrando o tênis na pista de corrida no final da tarde.

The Various Benefits of Physical Activity

Did you know that exercise can influence much more than your physique? Today we are going to show you the most extensive benefits that physical activities can bring you! Regular physical activity is essential to maintain a healthy life. In addition to

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Jardim de Primavera simbolizando a Golden Week. Duas mulheres sentadas na grama contemplando a paisagem.

Golden week and various activities!

Hello Springers! How are you? Our beloved Golden week is coming and have you already planned the activities to relax this holiday? Today Teacher Vicky brings you some tips to make the most of these hot and fun days. The “Golden

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Alunos da Spring School reunidos curtindo a Ichigo Gari

Spring school – Ichigo gari and Sakura flowers

On March 31st, Spring School Iwata took its students to Ichigo gari and enjoy the Sakura flowers. “Ichigo gari” corresponds to the practice of harvesting and eating strawberries inside greenhouses. Starts between December and January

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Parque com celebração Hanami sob belas flores de cerejeiras.

Hanami – Spring in Japan!

On the afternoon of Sunday, March 31st, Spring School students gathered in the vibrant Akashi Park, located in the city of Hekinan, Japan. This was no ordinary day; It was the day of the long-awaited Hanami, a tradition

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The meaning of Ohanami

Ohanami is a word that describes “rediscovering the cherry trees” and under them having a picnic with family or friends and celebrating the blossoming of the Sakura-Tree, symbol of Japan. At the beginning of the school year or fiscal year in Japan (April) is the

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