
Thanksgiving Dinner 2023

On November 26th, our annual Thanksgiving dinner took place. Thanksgiving (In Portuguese, Thanksgiving) is one of the most important and celebrated holidays in the United States. The celebration of Thanksgiving comes from the time when pilgrims

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Conversation Class with a Native Speaker!

Have you realized the power that practice has? We at Spring school now! For this reason we always reiterate to our students the power that a conversation class has, it is not just a practice, it is another step towards

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Tour to learn about the history of Hiroshima!

On the 28th and 29th of October, Spring School took 45 students to learn a little about the history of Hiroshima. We use a large bus from a Japanese company, with two drivers for greater safety for our students. We leave the Unit

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Tour of the Higashiyama Zoo/Botanical Garden!

On Saturday, 10/14/2023, the Spring School Toyota Unit held a trip to the Higashiyama Zoo/Botanical Garden. The initiative included Children's Day celebrations. Students, families and teachers had the opportunity to enjoy moments of relaxation and fellowship.

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Spring School Opening in Toyohashi

On July 30th, our long-awaited Spring School in Toyohashi opened. A branch long dreamed of by both our team and the residents of this beautiful city that has so many Brazilians. As you already know, our school is the

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PYONG Lee tour in Japan

What's up springers, how are you guys doing!? Oh! the human mind, something so complex but with incredible power! and during our summer holiday here in the land of the rising sun we had a visit from someone who

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Anjo's Korona World hangout

At the end of June the long-awaited “Hangout” of the month took place. The “hangout” is that activity selected and organized by teachers with great care to bring more interaction between the school and the students, but also to

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Teachers Hang Out!

Teacher hang outs are days when the team meets so that we can get in sync and connect with each other, as a team. It is an event that happens from time to time where we can enjoy and have a

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