Spring Social

Building a better world through language.

Breaking down the barrier of interpersonal communication through language teaching allows people from all over the world to interact efficiently. And with this principle that we support, several social projects have already been initiated and implemented, reaching children and adolescents from different social classes.

Do you want to know more about our Social Projects?

We believe that the language of helping others, love and social help is universal. It doesn't matter your Nationality or Social Class. We are all able to extend a hand, word, hug or teaching. Click the button below and let's chat about our projects. 

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Spring Angel

We unite children from poor neighborhoods and/or in an unfavorable family situation to Spring students (Springers) in Japan. These students “adopt” the children, helping them to learn, master and become fluent in English, bringing opportunities for a better future for children and adolescents.


Alunos Spring School segurando passaportes ilustrativos com a teacher ao meio.

The Student's Column!

Hello, I'm Miguel Takada, I'm 13 years old, I study at Spring School and I'm already in my third year of the English course there. About Spring, I believe

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Entrepreneurship project in the sertão of Paraíba.

Together with Unesco and the Janguiê Diniz Institute, Spring School, through its founder, participates in annual donations for the implementation of entrepreneurship studies in the backlands of Paraíba for teenagers and young adults.

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