Depoimento Vanessa Rossi, aluna Shii Sensei

Testimony by Vanessa Rossi, Shii Sensei student

I enrolled in Nihongo classes at Spring 3 months after arriving in Japan, I am currently in N5 and the classes have helped me have a purpose, beyond the boring routine that most of us immigrants have in the country.

I feel anxious and excited waiting for the day of class with my group, the relaxed way of teaching of the dear Shii Sensei, in addition to her encouragement and support, helped me a lot to not be so hard on myself when I make mistakes, and to persevere in my studies.

Livros da Língua Japonesa na estante.

In less than a year I learned the alphabets and several words, which helps me find stores, medicines, food, renew my driver's license, communicate and gain more respect among my bosses and coworkers.

Learning Japanese has helped me become more autonomous and independent, as well as restoring my self-esteem and making my personal journey of adaptation to the country easier, more fun and more rewarding.

Domo Arigatou Sensei and the Spring team!
-Vanessa Rossi, 35 years old, Shii Sensei student, nihongo, Nishio class.