Golden Week at Spring School
Hello Springers, today I came to bring you some more of our Golden Week here at Spring School!
We held our undokai on April 29th. Undokai is a Japanese event that means exercise meeting, 運動ーexercise and 会ーmeeting, it is a very important event in the Japanese community and is expected by students all year round. It can occur in spring (mid-April/May) or autumn (mid-September/October).
The origin of undokai was due to the development of the modern school system beginning in 1872, where it first became popular as a school sports day.
Initially, it began at higher education institutions such as the Naval Academy, Sapporo Agricultural College and Tokyo Imperial University under the guidance of foreign professors.
It gradually spread through primary schools between the 1830s and 1890s and became a traditional Japanese event.
Currently, Undokai is not just a sports-related event, but rather to bring together parents, children, teachers and directors in a fun and friendly environment, where everyone can enjoy some quality time!
And that's why the Spring School I couldn't help but provide this moment for our students, here we always value quality time and togetherness with our families and friends!
We held our second edition of Undokai in the city of Toyota with the participation of around 40 people, including students, teachers and parents, who, divided into teams, participated in tests accumulating points, among the games we had 玉入れ (a typical Japanese undokai game) , tug of war, find the object and in the end we had an incredible and delicious picnic.
It was a pleasant day, with lots of entertainment where participants had to work as a team and use the language studied in games!
If you liked this event, don't miss out! We will be waiting for you next time Spring your life!
By teacher Dani.